All The Fun of the Fair – Funfair Photographs

Cardiff, Cardiff Bay, Funfair

Spinning around in Cardiff Bay

Funfairs have a mystical feeling that takes me back to my childhood.  The funfair would come to town and park itself on an open area of ground somewhere and metamorphosis from a stream of trucks into a plethora of bright coloured, noisy, stands, booths and rides that made me feel warm and excited inside.  Often, the open ground would be transformed into a mud within a couple of days, but that still did not deter the visitors.  There were chances to win a cuddly toy or terrorise yourself in the Ghost Train.  And throughout I would walk around with my eyes wide open, often carrying a pink candy floss or chocolate ice-cream.

The funfair in Cardiff Bay didn’t have the rough edges of a travelling group, but even though I am now nearing 50, I still felt that tingle of magic inside.  Out came the camera and I tried to capture some of that magic, using the amazing bright colours and exciting movement of the rides.  I walked away happy to have experienced the magic of the  funfair, just in a very different way to when I was a child.

The photographs of the funfair can be seen by clicking this link.